Chaos magic (also referred to as chaos magick) is a form of ritual
magic, first formulated in West Yorkshire, England in the 1970s, with
which practitioners claim they can shape reality. Although there are a
few techniques unique to chaos magic (such as some forms of sigil
magic), practices can be highly individualistic, borrowing liberally
from other belief systems; in this light, chaos magic acts as a
metabelief. Some common sources of inspiration include such diverse
areas as ceremonial magic, scientific theories, mathematics, science
fiction, world religions, and individual experimentation.
magic is not necessarily syncretic; that is to say, practitioners do not
always try to fit together these different ideas so that they make
sense. Rather, they temporarily assume the truth of parts of particular
systems in order to accomplish their goals. Although chaos magicians
differ widely, they often sympathize with the psychonaut counterculture
(Terence McKenna and Robert Anton Wilson are particularly influential)
and chaotic aspects of particular religions (including Taoism and
Discordianism).Chaos magic can be conceptualized as a mixture of post-modern art and thought with esoteric magick.
Free Ebooks on Chaos Magick
Download Aria
An essay on the diverse practices of Chaos Magick from the Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers (L.O.O.N.)
An essay on the diverse practices of Chaos Magick from the Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers (L.O.O.N.)
Cults of Cthulhu
H. P. Lovecraft and the Occult Tradition - by Fra. Tenenbrous XIII.
H. P. Lovecraft and the Occult Tradition - by Fra. Tenenbrous XIII.
Dagon Rising
An in-depth look at Dagon from Fra. Sadashtor 645.
An in-depth look at Dagon from Fra. Sadashtor 645.
Disciple of Dagon
Clark Ashton Smith and the Occult Tradition - by Fra. Tenenbrous XIII.
Clark Ashton Smith and the Occult Tradition - by Fra. Tenenbrous XIII.
Liber KKK
Written by Peter Carroll, Liber KKK is the first, complete, systematic magical training programme for some centuries. It is a definitive replacement for the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, which system has become obsolete due to it's monotheist transcendentalism and it's dependency on repressive forms of inhibitory gnosis now considered inappropriate.
Written by Peter Carroll, Liber KKK is the first, complete, systematic magical training programme for some centuries. It is a definitive replacement for the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, which system has become obsolete due to it's monotheist transcendentalism and it's dependency on repressive forms of inhibitory gnosis now considered inappropriate.
Irregular newsletter from the Ganna Chakra, a London-based group of magicians exploring the mysteries of Tantric Sadhana.
Irregular newsletter from the Ganna Chakra, a London-based group of magicians exploring the mysteries of Tantric Sadhana.
The Book: The Secrets of the Illuminates of Thanateros
Essential background on the Illuminates of Thanateros, history, structure and contact information.
Essential background on the Illuminates of Thanateros, history, structure and contact information.
Sherwin's long out-of-print classic from 1982, which is one of the
earliest texts of the nascent Chaos Magic movement. It is the first book
to explain and refine the now infamous sigil magic method of Austin
Osman Spare.
hail satan
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