Satanism; a Glossary of Terms.
By-Anita Botha
I thought this would be a good opportunity to lift the veil on some of the language of Satanism you are likely to encounter here. The following is a far from complete glossary of the terms, names, and abbreviations which you might see on this page, and that may not be familiar to neophyt
I thought this would be a good opportunity to lift the veil on some of the language of Satanism you are likely to encounter here. The following is a far from complete glossary of the terms, names, and abbreviations which you might see on this page, and that may not be familiar to neophyt
(don't worry, neophyte is on the list). Where acronyms and
abbreviations are used, I've not gone into any great depth, as once you
know what they mean then google is your friend.
93: an auspicious number often used in greeting by Thelemites. See also Thelema and OTO.
616: a typo made by a Greek scholar. See also 666.
666: the number of the beast as described in Revelation.
777: terrible book on Kabbalah written by Crowley.
777 Tarot: an awful tarot deck designed by Amado Crowley who claims to be the son of Aleister. Mainly consists of the finger paintings executed by a five year old.
Adept: an experienced Magician. See also practitioner.
Al Jilwah: Yezidi holy text co-opted by LaVey, and then once more by the nazi scum of the JoS
Angry Wiccan: pejorative term applied to some Theists, normally by LaVayans.
ASL: no, not age/sex/location. Anton Szandor LaVey.
Athame: black handled double edged dagger used in ritual.
Ave Satanas: what retards say to make it look like they know what they're talking about. See also 'hail Satan'.
Boline: a ritual sickle used by Wiccans.
Baal: Mesopotamian deity, often seen as an analogue for Satan. Also the only other deity whose existence is explicitly acknowledged in the bible.
Baphomet: androgynous goat headed chimera used as a focus of worship by many pagan and Satanic groups. Also the 'Hell's Kitchen' Baphomet Sigil, which is the symbol of the Church of Satan.
Beelzebub: not Satan, but king of Demons. Literally 'lord of the flies'.
Belial: one of the Princes of Hell
Beltane. May day, sometimes considered to be the whole month of may. Marks the mid point between the Spring equinox and Summer solstice
Bessy: Maurice Bessy, author of 'A Pictorial History of Magic and the Supernatural', which featured the now famous CoS Baphomet sigil, which was inspired by Oswald Wirth's design.
Bessy Baph: the Maurice Bessy Baphomet sigil, and CoS Hell's kitchen Baphomet.
Bible: see bullshit.
Big Red: Satan.
BO: Black Order or body odour. They're nazi scum, so both apply.
BoTL/BTL/bottle: the Book of the Law, or Liber al vel Legis channeled by Aleister Crowley.
Bullshit: see bible.
Calthulhu: nickname of your long suffering admin Cal Sorrows.
Cardinal points: compass points.
Chaos Magick: a modern Magickal system which relies heavily on sigils and servitors.
Chess Club, the: Über exclusive, inner circle, invitation only group populated by the great and the good of this page.
Chew toy: see scratching post.
CoS: Anton LaVey's Church of Satan.
Coven: a group of witches, sometimes applied to Satanists assembled for ritual.
Crowley: notorious occultist Aleister Crowley.
Cthulhu: one of HP Lovecraft's fictional Great Old Ones.
CoN: Council of Nine. The inner circle of the Temple of set.
Conjure: Magick derived from African origins such as hoodoo/voodoo.
Daath: hidden node on the tree of life representing the abyss. See also Sephiroth.
Dark arts: Magick
Darklings: you lot.
Deism: a belief that there may be a creator, but one who is totally absent from the day to day life of the universe.
Diabolist: someone who works with demons. Also used as a pejorative in regard to 'romantic Satanism'.
Dirty Sanchez: you don't want to know.
EDC: emotional decompression chamber. In LaVeyanism, a place outside the ritual space in which to prepare mentally for the working.
Enochian: the language of the angels as channeled by Dee and Kelly during a cheese dream.
Esoteric: literally 'hidden', see also occult.
Exegesis: an interpretation of scripture. See also hermeneutics.
FCoS: Karla LaVey's First Church of Satan.
GM: Greater Magick, the practice of Ritual Magick.
Gnosticism: heretical early form of Christianity.
God: fairytale psychotic imaginary friend for the weak. Likes killing people.
God of the Earth: Satan - all 'round nice guy.
Goetia: the Lesser Key of Solomon.
Grimoire: a practitioner's note book.
Grotto: a group of Satanists assembled for ritual. See also coven.
Hail Satan: I am a noob and probably an asshole. See also Ave Satanas.
Hellians: you lot again.
Herb work: traditional witchcraft.
Hermeneutics: the interpretation of scripture, see also exegesis.
Hermetica: Greco/pharaonic mystery school text attributed to Hermes Tresmegistus.
Hex: a curse placed on a person via Magickal means.
His Infernal Majesty/HIM: Satan.
HOGD/HOotGD: Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
HPL: H.P. Lovecraft.
Iconoclast: someone who destroys the idols of worship. Usually used self referentially by pseudo intellectual teenagers.
Illuminati: a myth for rap fans and conspiracy nuts.
Infernal Names: LaVey's list of 72 demons used in ceremonial Magick.
Joho: Jehovah's witness.
JoS: Maxine Dietrich's jackbooted teen nazi group, The Joy of Satan.
Kabbalah: Jewish mysticism with links to numerology.
Lam: one of Crowley's spirit guides. Considered by some to be what is popularly referred to as a grey alien.
Levi, Eliphas: nineteenth century occultist who popularised the use of Baphomet.
LHP: Left Hand Path. Any pagan religion.
Libation: any drink used during ritual.
Lilith: name adopted by 80% of teenaged female Satanists at one time or another.
LKS: Lesser Key of Solomon, see also Goetia.
LM: Lesser Magick. See also NLP.
LoE: Lady of Endor. An early Satanic coven.
Lord of The Flies: Beelzebub
Lucifer: one of the four Princes of Hell - not Satan. His legend is based on Balthasar, son of Nebuchadnezzar who ruled Babylon as regent during the freeing of the Hebrew slaves.
LVTHN: Leviathon, one of the four princes of Hell. Also the translation of the five Hebrew letters around the edge of the CoS Baphomet.
M Theory: Membrane theory. See also QM and SST.
Magic: card tricks.
Magick: real Magick.
Merkin: a pubic wig.
Messe Noir, the: The black mass. A ritual designed to wig out the tourists
Mohammedan: a Muslim.
Mormon: misspelling of moron.
Nazarene, the: Jesus Christ.
Necronomicon: a fictional book imagined by HP Lovecraft and 'discovered' by someone writing under the name Simon.
Neophyte: an initiate - a noob.
NWO: new world order. See also illuminati.
Non theist: a Satanist who does not believe in god or Satan, such as a LaVeyan. This is distinct from being an atheist.
Occult: literally 'hidden'. See also esoteric.
ONO: Order of Nine Angles. More white supremacist scum.
OP: original post/poster. Also Order of the Parallelogram.
OTO: Order Templi Orientalis.
Pandemonium: generally means 'chaos' but literally means 'all the demons' and was first used by Milton in Paradise lost.
Pentagram: inverted five pointed unicursal star with one point down.
Pentacle: five pointed unicursal star with one point up.
Perdition: damnation.
Poppet: a voodoo doll.
Practitioner: a Magician.
Qliphoth: node on the dark inverted tree of life.
QM: Quantum mechanics.
Alphabetical order: not this.
Romantic Satanism: Percy Bish Shelley fans playing dress up.
Ragnor Redbeard: author of Might Is Right on which LaVey based much of his work.
Rhetoric: high brow name for arguing.
RHP: Right Hand Path, any mainstream religion. See also white light.
Samhain: Halloween.
Satan: if you need to ask, then why are you here?
Satin: a fabric.
Scratching post: pet troll who we keep around just to beat on. See also chew toy.
Setian: first degree in the Temple of Set often used as a generic term for all members.
Sephiroth: node in the traditional tree of life.
Sheeple: anyone following a RHP religion.
Shrek: A big fat dumb ogre. Also a cartoon character. Actually the Husband of Zeena.
Sigil: a graphic device used in Magick to represent the practitioner's intent or an entity.
SIN: Satanist International Network. Also, any pleasure of the flesh.
Servitor: a thought form given life by a practitioner.
Shade: see servitor, also Tulpa.
Shemhamphorash: theatrical alternative to 'amen' for Satanists.
Soul: worthless so WE WILL NOT BUY IT FROM YOU.
Spiritual or Sensitive Satanism: an oxymoron.
SRA: Satanic ritual abuse. Xtian propaganda spread by charlatans.
SST or SS Theory: Super String Theory. See also QM.
Stan: short for Stanley.
Tetragrammaton: four letter name in Hebrew.
Thaumaturgy: the working of a 'miracle'. Normally the preserve of xtian saints, but also a feature of Enochian based Magick and some Hermetic traditions.
The card you were thinking of: nine of spades?
Therion: 'beast'. Paired with 'mega' a title adopted by Aleister Crowley.
Theist: anyone who believes in a creator deity and associated scriptural bullshit.
Thelema: magickal religious structure formed by Aleister Crowley.
Theosophy: occult offshoot of Gnosticism, which in turn spawned Anthroposophism. Championed by Rudolph Steiner, Diane Fortune, Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, et al.
Theurgy: ceremonial Magick. See also Greater Magick.
Thoth deck: tarot cards designed by Crowley.
ToL: tree of life.
ToS: Michael Aquino's Temple of Set.
TSB: The Satanic Bible.
Tulpa: see servitor, also shade.
Walpurgisnacht: 30th April, A witches sabbath held on the eve of Beltane.
Wannabe: Marilyn Manson fan who decides saying that they're a Satanist is cool.
WBC: Westboro Baptist Church - ignorant xtian scum.
White Light religion: any non pagan religion. See also RHP.
Wiccan: a twelve year old girl obsessed with fairy folk.
Working: the enacting of Magick.
Xtian: contraction of Christian using the Greek letter 'chi' represented by X. Usually a pejorative.
Yazidi: religious and ethnic group of Northern Iraq, claimed to be the first people to formally worship Satan in the form of Tawûsê Melek. More closely linked to Gnosticism.
YHWH: Hebrew Tetragrammaton for Jehovah.
Zeena: Zeena LaVey, Anton's daughter who hates his guts.
93: an auspicious number often used in greeting by Thelemites. See also Thelema and OTO.
616: a typo made by a Greek scholar. See also 666.
666: the number of the beast as described in Revelation.
777: terrible book on Kabbalah written by Crowley.
777 Tarot: an awful tarot deck designed by Amado Crowley who claims to be the son of Aleister. Mainly consists of the finger paintings executed by a five year old.
Adept: an experienced Magician. See also practitioner.
Al Jilwah: Yezidi holy text co-opted by LaVey, and then once more by the nazi scum of the JoS
Angry Wiccan: pejorative term applied to some Theists, normally by LaVayans.
ASL: no, not age/sex/location. Anton Szandor LaVey.
Athame: black handled double edged dagger used in ritual.
Ave Satanas: what retards say to make it look like they know what they're talking about. See also 'hail Satan'.
Boline: a ritual sickle used by Wiccans.
Baal: Mesopotamian deity, often seen as an analogue for Satan. Also the only other deity whose existence is explicitly acknowledged in the bible.
Baphomet: androgynous goat headed chimera used as a focus of worship by many pagan and Satanic groups. Also the 'Hell's Kitchen' Baphomet Sigil, which is the symbol of the Church of Satan.
Beelzebub: not Satan, but king of Demons. Literally 'lord of the flies'.
Belial: one of the Princes of Hell
Beltane. May day, sometimes considered to be the whole month of may. Marks the mid point between the Spring equinox and Summer solstice
Bessy: Maurice Bessy, author of 'A Pictorial History of Magic and the Supernatural', which featured the now famous CoS Baphomet sigil, which was inspired by Oswald Wirth's design.
Bessy Baph: the Maurice Bessy Baphomet sigil, and CoS Hell's kitchen Baphomet.
Bible: see bullshit.
Big Red: Satan.
BO: Black Order or body odour. They're nazi scum, so both apply.
BoTL/BTL/bottle: the Book of the Law, or Liber al vel Legis channeled by Aleister Crowley.
Bullshit: see bible.
Calthulhu: nickname of your long suffering admin Cal Sorrows.
Cardinal points: compass points.
Chaos Magick: a modern Magickal system which relies heavily on sigils and servitors.
Chess Club, the: Über exclusive, inner circle, invitation only group populated by the great and the good of this page.
Chew toy: see scratching post.
CoS: Anton LaVey's Church of Satan.
Coven: a group of witches, sometimes applied to Satanists assembled for ritual.
Crowley: notorious occultist Aleister Crowley.
Cthulhu: one of HP Lovecraft's fictional Great Old Ones.
CoN: Council of Nine. The inner circle of the Temple of set.
Conjure: Magick derived from African origins such as hoodoo/voodoo.
Daath: hidden node on the tree of life representing the abyss. See also Sephiroth.
Dark arts: Magick
Darklings: you lot.
Deism: a belief that there may be a creator, but one who is totally absent from the day to day life of the universe.
Diabolist: someone who works with demons. Also used as a pejorative in regard to 'romantic Satanism'.
Dirty Sanchez: you don't want to know.
EDC: emotional decompression chamber. In LaVeyanism, a place outside the ritual space in which to prepare mentally for the working.
Enochian: the language of the angels as channeled by Dee and Kelly during a cheese dream.
Esoteric: literally 'hidden', see also occult.
Exegesis: an interpretation of scripture. See also hermeneutics.
FCoS: Karla LaVey's First Church of Satan.
GM: Greater Magick, the practice of Ritual Magick.
Gnosticism: heretical early form of Christianity.
God: fairytale psychotic imaginary friend for the weak. Likes killing people.
God of the Earth: Satan - all 'round nice guy.
Goetia: the Lesser Key of Solomon.
Grimoire: a practitioner's note book.
Grotto: a group of Satanists assembled for ritual. See also coven.
Hail Satan: I am a noob and probably an asshole. See also Ave Satanas.
Hellians: you lot again.
Herb work: traditional witchcraft.
Hermeneutics: the interpretation of scripture, see also exegesis.
Hermetica: Greco/pharaonic mystery school text attributed to Hermes Tresmegistus.
Hex: a curse placed on a person via Magickal means.
His Infernal Majesty/HIM: Satan.
HOGD/HOotGD: Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
HPL: H.P. Lovecraft.
Iconoclast: someone who destroys the idols of worship. Usually used self referentially by pseudo intellectual teenagers.
Illuminati: a myth for rap fans and conspiracy nuts.
Infernal Names: LaVey's list of 72 demons used in ceremonial Magick.
Joho: Jehovah's witness.
JoS: Maxine Dietrich's jackbooted teen nazi group, The Joy of Satan.
Kabbalah: Jewish mysticism with links to numerology.
Lam: one of Crowley's spirit guides. Considered by some to be what is popularly referred to as a grey alien.
Levi, Eliphas: nineteenth century occultist who popularised the use of Baphomet.
LHP: Left Hand Path. Any pagan religion.
Libation: any drink used during ritual.
Lilith: name adopted by 80% of teenaged female Satanists at one time or another.
LKS: Lesser Key of Solomon, see also Goetia.
LM: Lesser Magick. See also NLP.
LoE: Lady of Endor. An early Satanic coven.
Lord of The Flies: Beelzebub
Lucifer: one of the four Princes of Hell - not Satan. His legend is based on Balthasar, son of Nebuchadnezzar who ruled Babylon as regent during the freeing of the Hebrew slaves.
LVTHN: Leviathon, one of the four princes of Hell. Also the translation of the five Hebrew letters around the edge of the CoS Baphomet.
M Theory: Membrane theory. See also QM and SST.
Magic: card tricks.
Magick: real Magick.
Merkin: a pubic wig.
Messe Noir, the: The black mass. A ritual designed to wig out the tourists
Mohammedan: a Muslim.
Mormon: misspelling of moron.
Nazarene, the: Jesus Christ.
Necronomicon: a fictional book imagined by HP Lovecraft and 'discovered' by someone writing under the name Simon.
Neophyte: an initiate - a noob.
NWO: new world order. See also illuminati.
Non theist: a Satanist who does not believe in god or Satan, such as a LaVeyan. This is distinct from being an atheist.
Occult: literally 'hidden'. See also esoteric.
ONO: Order of Nine Angles. More white supremacist scum.
OP: original post/poster. Also Order of the Parallelogram.
OTO: Order Templi Orientalis.
Pandemonium: generally means 'chaos' but literally means 'all the demons' and was first used by Milton in Paradise lost.
Pentagram: inverted five pointed unicursal star with one point down.
Pentacle: five pointed unicursal star with one point up.
Perdition: damnation.
Poppet: a voodoo doll.
Practitioner: a Magician.
Qliphoth: node on the dark inverted tree of life.
QM: Quantum mechanics.
Alphabetical order: not this.
Romantic Satanism: Percy Bish Shelley fans playing dress up.
Ragnor Redbeard: author of Might Is Right on which LaVey based much of his work.
Rhetoric: high brow name for arguing.
RHP: Right Hand Path, any mainstream religion. See also white light.
Samhain: Halloween.
Satan: if you need to ask, then why are you here?
Satin: a fabric.
Scratching post: pet troll who we keep around just to beat on. See also chew toy.
Setian: first degree in the Temple of Set often used as a generic term for all members.
Sephiroth: node in the traditional tree of life.
Sheeple: anyone following a RHP religion.
Shrek: A big fat dumb ogre. Also a cartoon character. Actually the Husband of Zeena.
Sigil: a graphic device used in Magick to represent the practitioner's intent or an entity.
SIN: Satanist International Network. Also, any pleasure of the flesh.
Servitor: a thought form given life by a practitioner.
Shade: see servitor, also Tulpa.
Shemhamphorash: theatrical alternative to 'amen' for Satanists.
Soul: worthless so WE WILL NOT BUY IT FROM YOU.
Spiritual or Sensitive Satanism: an oxymoron.
SRA: Satanic ritual abuse. Xtian propaganda spread by charlatans.
SST or SS Theory: Super String Theory. See also QM.
Stan: short for Stanley.
Tetragrammaton: four letter name in Hebrew.
Thaumaturgy: the working of a 'miracle'. Normally the preserve of xtian saints, but also a feature of Enochian based Magick and some Hermetic traditions.
The card you were thinking of: nine of spades?
Therion: 'beast'. Paired with 'mega' a title adopted by Aleister Crowley.
Theist: anyone who believes in a creator deity and associated scriptural bullshit.
Thelema: magickal religious structure formed by Aleister Crowley.
Theosophy: occult offshoot of Gnosticism, which in turn spawned Anthroposophism. Championed by Rudolph Steiner, Diane Fortune, Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, et al.
Theurgy: ceremonial Magick. See also Greater Magick.
Thoth deck: tarot cards designed by Crowley.
ToL: tree of life.
ToS: Michael Aquino's Temple of Set.
TSB: The Satanic Bible.
Tulpa: see servitor, also shade.
Walpurgisnacht: 30th April, A witches sabbath held on the eve of Beltane.
Wannabe: Marilyn Manson fan who decides saying that they're a Satanist is cool.
WBC: Westboro Baptist Church - ignorant xtian scum.
White Light religion: any non pagan religion. See also RHP.
Wiccan: a twelve year old girl obsessed with fairy folk.
Working: the enacting of Magick.
Xtian: contraction of Christian using the Greek letter 'chi' represented by X. Usually a pejorative.
Yazidi: religious and ethnic group of Northern Iraq, claimed to be the first people to formally worship Satan in the form of Tawûsê Melek. More closely linked to Gnosticism.
YHWH: Hebrew Tetragrammaton for Jehovah.
Zeena: Zeena LaVey, Anton's daughter who hates his guts.
If you're going to publish one of my posts from the FB Satanism page, you could at least credit me rather than claiming that it's your own work. Alternatively you could have bothered to actually read the damned thing and removed my name from one of the definitions - dead giveaway really.
Cal Sorrows
i find it from Anita botha named one , she said its her creation, so we put her name .. if she lied then what can we do, -Admin
ReplyDeleteYou can fucking change it can't you?
ReplyDeleteYou can fucking change it can't you?
ReplyDeletecal cn u teech me saanisme spells?
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck is a saanisme spell? If you want to talk to me, find me on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteCal, was the requisite SLAM! implied? I should have heard it... ~c